We're Being Followed By These Lovely Cutie Pie's!

We are now a monthly challenge, look out for a super cute challenge starting on the SECOND MONDAY of every month. You can use Digi Images, Stamped images, any occassion, male/female, sentiments or no sentiments, but they need to follow the challenge theme and be as Cute As You Can Make Them!
(See Challenge Rules Page at the Top of the Sidebar)

Monday, 13 February 2023

Challenge No #179 Theme: HEARTS & FLOWERS - Valentines or Mothers Day card

Hello and a very warm welcome!! 

Thank you all for your entries in our January Blues Challenge and, as always, it was a jolly tough job for us to pick our favourites but pick, we did, and the Top Three are........ta dah!!

No1 Silke

No 14 Rose

No 21 Shani

Don't forget to collect your badge to proudly display on your blog.

Now the January Blues are over we are heading towards the warm and fuzzy time of year so we would love you to join our next challenge.

 Challenge No #179

 Theme: HEARTS & FLOWERS - Valentines or Mothers Day card

The Design Team have some real cuties to share and inspire you.








Don't forget to make your cards as CUTE as can be!!


  1. Replies
    1. My entry can be found here: https://pamspearls4u.blogspot.com/2023/02/kisses.html

  2. I don't see a link up tool but my entry can be found here: https://mygrammysattic.blogspot.com/2023/02/set-my-heart-awhirl.html

  3. Thanks so much for choosing my Merry Fishmas card as one of January's picks. So glad you liked the card. Congrats to the other picks, too!

  4. Another great challenge. Well done to the winners. Thanks for such inspiring and cute designs x

  5. تمتلك شركة بلاستيك هوم اكبر مصنع زجاجات مياه بلاستيك pet في مصر والوطن العربي حيث تصنع عبوات بلاستيكيه مميزه من خامات عالية الجوده مصرح استخدامها دولياً بسبب انها لا تتفاعل مع المياه تحت الظروف القاسيه مثل اشاعة الشمس او تعرضها للضوء.

  6. من أبرز أسباب الدوالي :
    ارتفاع ضغط الدم: حيث يؤدي ارتفاع ضغط الدم إلى زيادة الضغط على الأوردة وتضخمها.

    السمنة: حيث تزيد السمنة من احتمالية تكوُّن دوالي، نظرًا لان علاج انسداد شرايين الساق زيادة الضغط على الأوردة في منطقة الساق.


The Cutie Pie DT love to hear your comments! Dont be shy!