We're Being Followed By These Lovely Cutie Pie's!

We are now a monthly challenge, look out for a super cute challenge starting on the SECOND MONDAY of every month. You can use Digi Images, Stamped images, any occassion, male/female, sentiments or no sentiments, but they need to follow the challenge theme and be as Cute As You Can Make Them!
(See Challenge Rules Page at the Top of the Sidebar)

Monday, 8 March 2021

Challenge No #157 Theme: BUNNIES & BLOOMS - Easter or Spring Cards

 Hello and welcome to the Cutie Pie Challenge. We hope that you are all keeping safe and well, I know that the recent sunshine and spring flowers have lifted my spirits.

Thank you to all of you who joined in with our February challenge, as always the DT enjoyed visiting your blogs and choosing our winner. 


No.25 Claire

Top Three

No.4 Silke 

No.20 Liliane

No.24 Jenimc

please email me (Lisa) at happy.crafter@hotmail.com to claim your prize - and don't forget to grab your winner/top three badge from our sidebar - we love to see these on display when we visit your blogs

 Challenge No #157

 Theme: BUNNIES & BLOOMS - Easter or Spring Cards

For our March challenge we would like to see Easter or Spring cards featuring cute 'Bunnies and Blooms'. 

Our sponsor this month is the lovely

who have a great prize for our lucky winner. Just click on the badge to visit their store.

The design team have been busy, busy, busy creating some beautiful cards....


Taking a break

Now it's over to you......


  1. Thank you for choosing my card this time . Congrats to the other winners and thanks to the DT for all their inspiration Jx

  2. Oh ladies, thank you so much I'm chuffed to bits to be chosen as the winner... bless you all. Congrats to all, stay safe n snug x

  3. Life is made every day, do not wait for Friday or the holiday to be happy. Every day of life is worth living well, because every day can be special.

  4. Fab DT-Works and pretty colourations

    Sunny greetings
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *List Manager* Challenges for Days
    *DT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2

  5. Great design team samples. They made me smile and think of Spring. Thanks for the challenge!

  6. Merci pour la belle inspiration de la DT
    C'est toujours un plaisir de concourir sur votre blog.

    Thank you for the beautiful inspiration of the DT
    It's always a pleasure to compete on your blog.


The Cutie Pie DT love to hear your comments! Dont be shy!