We're Being Followed By These Lovely Cutie Pie's!

We are now a monthly challenge, look out for a super cute challenge starting on the SECOND MONDAY of every month. You can use Digi Images, Stamped images, any occassion, male/female, sentiments or no sentiments, but they need to follow the challenge theme and be as Cute As You Can Make Them!
(See Challenge Rules Page at the Top of the Sidebar)

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Challenge No #173 Theme:  LITTLE CUTIES

Hello there,and welcome back to The Cutie Pie Challenge 

Due to unexpected circumstances, we are a couple of days late with this post but are here now and very much looking forward to you joining in with the next challenge.  

Before telling you all about that though,  I really should say a huge thank you to those of you who participated last month with some really fabulous cards....I am delighted to announce our Top Three and Winner 



N0 5 Silke

No 19 Silke

No 20 Sarah R

please email me (Lisa) at happy.crafter@hotmail.com to claim your prize - and don't forget to grab your winner/top three badge from our sidebar - we love to see these on display when we visit your blogs

Challenge No #173


We would like you to make a card for  child, this month. For any occasion or age just as long as its super cute! CUTE is what we are all about here, so please make sure that your entry meets this requirement.

Our lovely sponsors are 

Who have a wonderful digi stamp prize for our lucky winner.

So would you like to see what our design team have been up to.......and hopefully inspire you to play along 

1 comment:

  1. Merci. Je suis tellement heureuse d'être la gagnante du challenge "Ajouter un tag".
    C'est avec fierté que j'affiche le badge sur mon blog.
    Félicitations aux autres gagnantes.
    MaryannG alias Maryann Scrap

    Thanks. I'm so happy to be the winner of the "Add a tag" challenge.
    It is with pride that I display the badge on my blog.
    Congratulations to the other winners.


The Cutie Pie DT love to hear your comments! Dont be shy!