We're Being Followed By These Lovely Cutie Pie's!

We are now a monthly challenge, look out for a super cute challenge starting on the SECOND MONDAY of every month. You can use Digi Images, Stamped images, any occassion, male/female, sentiments or no sentiments, but they need to follow the challenge theme and be as Cute As You Can Make Them!
(See Challenge Rules Page at the Top of the Sidebar)

Monday, 13 July 2020

Challenge No #149 Theme: DELIGHTFUL DIGI STAMPS

HELLO!!! Welcome to the Cutie Pie challenge, its Lisa here, and its my turn to host.....whether this is your first visit, or if you are an old friend - its lovely  to  see you.

I must start with a huge Thank You if you took part in our last challenge, we were amazed to see so many entries, and have had a fab time visiting your blogs.....during these tough times we do hope that you have found a "little bit of normal", in our challenges - I know I certainly have! We do hope that you will continue to join us here xx

Anyway, soo many gorgeous entries make it super tough to choose our faves, but we got there eventually........

No. 79 Kuni


No. 36 Annie H
No. 99 Mimi
No. 129 Helen

please email me (Lisa) at happy.crafter@hotmail.com to claim your prize - and don't forget to grab your winner/top three badge from our sidebar - we love to see these on display when we visit your blogs.

Challenge No #149
I  am very excited to host this challenge,  as I am a hugeeeee Digi Stamp fan, so quite simply, we want you to share your cards/makes featuring CUTE, CUTE, CUTE digi stamps, please

Our lovely sponsors for this challenge are our good friends at

who have a great prize for our lucky winner, you can also visit their fabulous store - just click on the badge!

Once again we have some amazing inspiration from our team, to get you in the mood.....


And now it's over to you.....I did mention CUTE, right xx


  1. Thanks so much for choosing my card in the top 3 for the last challenge - what a lovely surprise!
    Helen x

  2. Merci pour ce nouveau défi et la superbe interprétation de la DT.

    Thank you for this new challenge and the superb interpretation of DT.

  3. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.

  4. Oh thank you so much for the Top 3 choice, you have made my day :) Big hugs, Mimi xxxxxxxx

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The Cutie Pie DT love to hear your comments! Dont be shy!