We're Being Followed By These Lovely Cutie Pie's!

We are now a monthly challenge, look out for a super cute challenge starting on the SECOND MONDAY of every month. You can use Digi Images, Stamped images, any occassion, male/female, sentiments or no sentiments, but they need to follow the challenge theme and be as Cute As You Can Make Them!
(See Challenge Rules Page at the Top of the Sidebar)

Monday 11 July 2016


Good morning to you all  and welcome to our next challenge.

 But before we tell you about that I have to say Thank You to those that joined us for our last challenge, Once again we had some adorable and super cute entries, it really is so hard to pick winners, and that task fell to our lovely Sarah, So without any further delay the Winner and Top 3 for the last challenge is.....


Scatty Jan No: 36

Congratulations on your win, please email Lisa at happy.crafter@hotmail.com
so that she can organise your prize for you.  Don't forget to take
your Winners Badge from the sidebar for your blog!

TOP 3 chosen by the DT
Anet   No: 14
Marieke   No: 25
Kuni  No: 27
Congratulations to you all on your Top 3!
Don't forget to take your Top 3 Badge from the sidebar for your blog!

Polka Dots and Pastels

 So for this challenge, once again we want to see your cutest images, togther with perfect Polka Dots and the prettiest pastels possible

Our challenge is sponsored by the wonderful 
and our lucky winner will receive a $10 spend up in their on line store

not only that
we have a lovely new sponsor with us, so we welcome
Image result for little blue button digi stamps
and our randomly chosen winner will receive a $10 gift card
you can visit the store and find out all about them here: http://lbbstamps.blogspot.co.uk/p/about.html

Once again, our DT have created some amazing cards to inspire you, hope you will join in the fun - we look forward to seeing your cards!

Cutie hugs Lisa xx



1 comment:

  1. Just popped by to say hello to Lisa, Sue N and the DT girlies! Miss the challenge and blogging but so busy with work and a new baby grandson I dont have time anymore. Lovely to see your wonderful designs and the challenge still going strong xxxx


The Cutie Pie DT love to hear your comments! Dont be shy!